Maintenance is currently conducted on the first Tuesday of each month. Although we do our best to keep services online, there may be short periods of downtime caused by these essential updates.
The registered office for 2Dmedia Limited is The Barn, Rickstones Road, Rivenhall, Essex, CM8 3HQ.
Company No. 5897727
VAT Reg No. GB 919 3822 04
Any personal data herein are processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, further details are available on request.
2Dmedia Limited are registered under the Data Protection Act with registration number Z1122183, for details see the ICO register.
Telephone calls may be recorded or monitored for quality, training and record purposes. Emails are stored and may be shared within the organisation and relevant third parties.
The Internet and email are not 100% secure systems. The e-mail we send and any attachments are for authorised use by the intended recipient(s) only. It should not be copied, disclosed to, retained or used by any other party. If you are not an intended recipient then please promptly delete all copies of the email plus any attachments and inform the sender. Views expressed within email are not necessarily those of 2Dmedia Limited.
2Dmedia Limited operate Closed Circuit Television & audio recording in and around our office. For further details please contact us.
We want to provide an excellent experience for customers. Our Standards help to set out the service that should be expected.
During office hours we will respond within 16 business hours for non-critical issues and within 4 hours for critical issues. Outside of office hours non-critical issues will be dealt with during the next business day and critical issues will be dealt with within 4 hours.

Managed Hosting Prices Download our Managed Hosting Prices
As a guide, we charge based on the above for all work undertaken at the client's request, however that request be made and without prior quotation unless otherwise requested.
Unless explicitly specified on the invoice or quote, charges are made for performance of the service irrespective of time taken as many services have caps or fixed fees, or have been priced based on the estimated time required. Most services are not charged purely on a time basis. All prices subject to change without notice. All rates are subject to a minimum charge of one hour (levied at our discretion), unless otherwise stated.
Support charges for issues arising due to user error or issues not caused by us (eg, software faults) are made at our discretion, we typically waive the first hour of standard chargeable support per £1000 spent on the particular service unless otherwise specified within the package.
All prices on this website, unless otherwise stated, are quoted exclusive of VAT.
2Dmedia Limited and its staff do not provide or offer legal advice of any kind, any comments made regarding legal queries should not be taken as legal advice.
It is the customer's (website operator's) responsibility to provide and ensure all necessary legal information is correctly published and that any applicable regulations are followed correctly.
E&OE, terms and conditions, SLA and policy are subject to change without notice.
Should you wish to make a complaint this can be done via your 2D Portal account, by telephone or via email; we will acknowledge your complaint within 1 working day. If the initial complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction please request that your complaint be escalated and a member of the senior team will contact you.
Our services such as managed hosting must not be used for sending bulk email of any kind (the same or similar emails to more than one fifty recipients). Sending bulk email through a business email system, without features for opt-out and list management can break the law and puts our servers and network at high risk of being blacklisted, resulting in the email of other clients being blocked by major email providers and significant work for us in getting the servers unblocked. A fee of £250+VAT will be charged per-day per-account when bulk email is detected and the account(s) may be suspended either for the day or a longer period of time. If the abuse continues, the account may be terminated.